



例如:有三个随机变量\(A,B,C\)如果他们两两独立, 那么: \[P(AB)=P(A)P(B)\\ P(AC)=P(A)P(C)\\ P(BC)=P(B)P(C)\]




例1:设有四张外型一样的卡片,上分别写 有数字\(2,3,5,30\)今从中任取一张观察其上数字: \[A=\{取到是2的倍数\};\\B=\{取到是3的倍数\};\\C=\{取到是5的倍数\};\]\(A,B,C\)是两两独立而不是相互独立.

因为: \[A=\{2,30\}; B=\{3,30\}; C=\{5,30\};\\AB=AC=BC=ABC=\{30\}\] 所以: \(P(A)=P(B)=P(C)=2/4=1/2;P(AB)=P(A)P(B)=(1/2)*(1/2)=0.25,\)

类似\(P(BC)=P(B)P(C))=0.25; P(AC)=P(A)P(C))=0.25\)



下面这个例子来自维基百科: >例2: Suppose \(X\) and \(Y\) are two independent tosses of a fair coin, where we designate 1 for heads and 0 for tails. Let the third random variable \(Z\) be equal to 1 if exactly one of those coin tosses resulted in "heads", and 0 otherwise(异或). Then jointly the triple \((X, Y, Z)\) has the following probability distribution: >\[(X,Y,Z)=\left\{{\begin{matrix}(0,0,0)&{\text{with probability}}\ 1/4,\\(0,1,1)&{\text{with probability}}\ 1/4,\\(1,0,1)&{\text{with probability}}\ 1/4,\\(1,1,0)&{\text{with probability}}\ 1/4.\end{matrix}}\right.\] >Here the marginal probability distributions are identical: \(f_{X}(0)=f_{Y}(0)=f_{Z}(0)=1/2\), and \(f_{X}(1)=f_{Y}(1)=f_{Z}(1)=1/2\). The bivariate distributions also agree: \(f_{{X,Y}}=f_{{X,Z}}=f_{{Y,Z}}\), where \(f_{{X,Y}}(0,0)=f_{{X,Y}}(0,1)=f_{{X,Y}}(1,0)=f_{{X,Y}}(1,1)=1/4\). > >Since each of the pairwise joint distributions equals the product of their respective marginal distributions, the variables are pairwise independent: > >- X and Y are independent, and >- X and Z are independent, and >- Y and Z are independent. > >However, \(X, Y\), and \(Z\) are not mutually independent, since \({\displaystyle f_{X,Y,Z}(x,y,z)\neq f_{X}(x)f_{Y}(y)f_{Z}(z),}\) the left side equalling for example 1/4 for \((x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0)\) while the right side equals 1/8 for \((x, y, z) = (0, 0, 0)\). In fact, any of \(\{X,Y,Z\}\) is completely determined by the other two (any of \(X, Y, Z\) is the sum (modulo(模) 2) of the others). That is as far from independence as random variables can get.
